Own publications

Academic Writing Support

In this book, the focus is on the writing process. We will zoom in on the different skills you need to write effectively and with enjoyment, and we will discuss different writing routines you can try in order to find the routine that works best for you.
Content + Chapter 1

Projectmanagement for PhDs

Projectmanagement for PhDs
shows you how to plan a PhD program as a project, no matter
how complex and unique it is.
A practical step-by-step plan with special attention to the writing
process, in combination with our free digital planning system, helps you creating a custom-made schedule for your PhD program.
Boom Uitgevers
ISBN  9789024407101.

10 tips for better Time management

E-book with 10 tips for better Time management. These are based on the book of Daniël Levitin ‘The Organized Mind’, in which he describes research on the brain which is linked to effective ways of working more efficiently.

Spotlight on the Presenter

Spotlight on the Presenter; a study into presentations of conference papers with PowerPoint – Brigitte Hertz, 2015

Academic Writing Support

In this book, the focus is on the writing process. We will zoom in on the different skills you need to write effectively and with enjoyment, and we will discuss different writing routines you can try in order to find the routine that works best for you.
Content + Chapter 1

Project Management for PhDs

Project Management for PhDs shows you how to plan a PhD program as a project, no matter how complex and unique it is. A practical step-by-step plan with special attention to the writing process, in combination with the associated free digital planning system (www.projectmanagementforphds.com), helps you creating a custom-made schedule for your PhD program. Boom Uitgevers, ISBN  9789024407101.

10 tips for better Time management

E-book with 10 tips for better Time management. These are based on the book of Daniël Levitin ‘The Organized Mind’, in which he describes research on the brain which is linked to effective ways of working more efficiently.

Spotlight on the Presenter

Spotlight on the Presenter; a study into presentations of conference papers with PowerPoint – Brigitte Hertz, 2015


This page will be updated frequently. Feel free to suggest.

Writing Support

Academic Writing Support, Hertz, B. en Bruin, J. de, 2022.

PhD Studentship

Giving and receiving doctoral writing feedback, Carter, S., THE Campus Learn, Share, Connect (timeshighereducation.com), 2023.
Highlighting the positive aspects of being a PhD studentBernery, Lusardi, Marino et al. eLife 2022.
A beginner’s guide to Dutch Academia, KNAW – The Young Academy (De Jonge Akademie), 2022
Factors that influence PhD candidates success – the importance of PhD project characteristics, Rooij, E. van, Fokkens-Bruins, M. en Jansen, E., Studies in Continuing Education, 2019.
PhD candidates play a crucial role in university

Supervising PhDs

Giving and receiving doctoral writing feedback, Carter, S., THE Campus Learn, Share, Connect (timeshighereducation.com), 2023.
Social Safety in Dutch Academia, KNAW-Advisory report, 2022.
A conceptualisation of the doctoral student-supervisor relationship as a negotiated learning space. Frick, B.L., Albertyn, R.M. & Brodin, E.M. in C. Nygaard, J. Branch, L. Scott-Webber & P. Bartholomew (Eds.). Learning spaces in higher education. Oxfordshire: Libri Publishing, 2014
Situational Leadership – backgroundInfluence techniques – backgroundProviding Feedback to the writing process
Alternative approaches to postgraduate supervision – Bitzer E.M. – Albertyn R.M.,  South African Journal of Higher Education,  2011.
Literature Supervising PhDs – Overview
E-Book 10 Tips To Improve Your Time management, Dr. B. Hertz, 2017
Agreements between Supervisors
Supervision of external PhD-students

Social Safe Environment

Social Safety in Dutch Academia, KNAW-Advisory report, 2022.
How to Intervene When You Witness a Microaggression, Kim, J. and Meister, A., Harvard Business Review, 2022
Harassment at the University of Groningen, YAG-report, 2021
Active bystander – leaflet

Effective Presentations

Spotlight on the Presenter, A study into presentations of conference papers with PowerPoint, Hertz, B., 2015
Spotlight on the Presenter – Abstract, A study into presentations of conference papers with PowerPoint, Hertz, B., 2015
Spotlight on the Presenter, Hertz, B., 2016
Five ways to reduce PowerPoint overload by Cliff Atkinson and Richard E. Mayer, 2004
Report from a succesful ERC grant applicant, Dr.ir. N.G. Deen, 2010


Negotiating – theory, hand-out Hertz trainingen


Ready for careers within and beyond academia – Assessing career competencies amongst junior researchers, Skakni, I., Maggiori, C., Masdonati, J. and Akkermans, J. , Higher Education Research and Development, 2022.
7 Career Advantages PhDs Have Outside Of Academia, Hankel, I., Cheeky Scientist
Widening Horizons funnel, Hertz, B. and Bruin, J. de
The Awesomest 7-Year Postdoc or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tenure-Track Faculty LifeVitae, Researcher Development Framework, 2010
Post-PhD in an economic downturn. Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2009
The Transition to Independent Research: Who Makes It, Who Doesn’t, and Why. Barbara E. Lovitts. The Journal of Higher Education, Volume 79, Number 3, May/June 2008, pp. 296-325 (Article)
Transferable Skills and Characteristics – Overview
Transferable Skills – Skills Placemat

Academic Leadership

15 essential Skills to lead your research group – S. Hendrix, Smart Science Career, 2014.
Developing the next generation. Guidance and good practice in the leadership development of early career researchers and academics – F. Denney, Mitchell, A., Wheat. K. , Vitae , 2015
Leading Your Research Team in Science  – Ritsert C. Jansen, 2018.
Leadership – Literature List


The Performance of Gender Diverse Teams, Lauring, J., Villeseche, F., European Management Review, 2017.
How diversity contributes to academic research teams performance, Saa-Perez, P. de, Diaz-Diaz, N.L., Aguiar-Diaz, I., Ballesteros-Rodriguez, J.L., R and D Management, 2015.
Academic Staff Involvement and Openness to Diversity in International Educational Organisations, Selmer, J., Lauring, J. and Jonasson, C., Higher Education Quarterly, 2013.
Dealing with diversity in internationalised higher education, Sawir, E., Intercultural Education, 2011.
Considering Diversity – Multivoicedness in International Academic Collaboration, Akkerman, S., Admiraal, W., Simons, R.J., Niessen, T., Culture and Psychology, 2006
Promoting Diversity in Academic Leadership, Page, O.C., New Directions for Higher Education, 2003.

Scientific Integrity

Netherlands Code of Conduct Scientific Integrity

Effect of Training

The effect of implementation intentions on transfer of training – Friedman, S. & Ronen, S., 2015


Why Networking / Networking: A Career Necessity –  Heyl, A. / Jaffe, S.,  2002.
Networking – Ryan the Grad Student